
・井口 泰、池上重弘ほか移民政策学会設立10周年記念論集刊行委員会編(2018)『移民政策のフロンテイア』明石書店


・ 井口 泰(2018)「外国人労働者政策の現状と改革の展望-労働需給ミスマッチ緩和と地域創生の視点からー」 移民政策学会『移民政策研究』Vol 10, pp 60-78  


 Presentation at academic society 

・Iguchi Y. (2018a)   "Regional labor market development  and relationship between internal and  international migration -From comparative views on Germany  and  Japan,  Presented to Seminar in Economics,  Faculty of Economics, Business and Law,  Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuernberg,  5. December 2018

Iguchi Y(2018b)   "Acceptance and labor market integration of refugees and asylum seekers in Germany 2015-2017", Presented to the Seminar on International migration: Impacts on destination countries,  Centres d'etudes de  l'emploi  et du travail (CEET) ,  University of Paris-East 30. November 2018

・Iguchi  Y. (2018c)  "Regional labor market development  and relationship between internal and international migration -From comparative views on Japan and  Europe",  Presented to the Seminar on International migration: Impacts on destination countries,  Centres d'etudes de  l'emploi  et du travail (CEET) ,  University of Paris-East, 30. November 2018 


・Iguchi Y. (2018d) ”Growing China: Opportunities for German and Japanese Firms”

 lectures at the faculty of economics, business and law, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, from 26. October to 22. November. 

・Iguchi Y. (2018e) "Regional development in Germany and Japan  ”to be held on 22. December 2018, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich