
区分/ 著書名・論文名・ 論題名等/ 掲載誌,巻・号,発行所,学会名等/ 発行・発表年月




財務省・財務総合政策研究所で発表。2013年5月31日, その後、財務省財務総合政策研究所「フィナンシャル・レビュー」平成 25 年第 5 号(通巻第 116 号)2013 年 8 月で刊行 2013.08


Economic Integration and Needs for New Migration Management in East Asia -Overcoming political frictions and creating 
Presented to the EU-Asia Dialogures,  the Hagues, Netherland,  Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung  2013.12  


Iguchi Y. "Future of  Brazil-Japan Economic Relations and Roles of Japanese- Brazilians- Lessons from the Global Economic Crisis and Prospects for Comprehensive Migration Policy in Japan -   Collaboradores Meeting on 30 September 2013 in  Sao Paolo, Brazil  2013.09


Necessity and Feasibility of Social Integration in East and North East Asia Uited Nations, ENEA ESCAP, Expert Meeting on Regional Indicators for Monitoring Regional Cooperation and Integration in East and North-East Asia, on 18 and 19 July, 2013, in Inchon, Korea 2013.07

Reforming Migration Management and Integration Policy -Lessons from Canada and Israel from Asian Perspectives-

Ruppin Academic Center, Hebrew University, Israel, on 19. June, 2013 2013.06


出入国管理政策-入管法・住基法改正を踏まえた地域の再生・多文化共生の課題- 全国市町村国際文化研修所、2013年5月14日 2013.05